Chef Chris Scott is an expert on all things tailgating and food parties and is reporting live from Frito-Lay's CASA DE CRUNCH at the site of the Big Game in Miami to show off his big game party tips and latest and greatest snacks from Frito-Lay. Chef Scott will give a tour of the tasty venue and share how to create a great party with fan-favorite Tostitos, Doritos, Cheetos, and Lay's which all have an amazing array of new snacks that are debuting in time for the biggest snacking day of the year.
Great snacks are a must for every watch party, according to Frito-Lay's latest U.S. Snack Index, 90 percent of Americans say Super Bowl is not complete without snacks and dips. With 83 million Big Game parties expected to take place this year, Frito-Lay has all the snacks needed that are sure to get your guests excited. That is why Chris is at the Casa De Crunch in Miami to show off some delicious new snack options for Big Game watch parties. After all, 80 percent of fans expect there to be salty snacks, like chips, at a Big Game party!