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Thinkwell Group Releases Its 5th Annual Guest Experience Trend Report on Fan Festivals & Events

The Five News

Did you know that 46% of fans surveyed would be willing to spend up to $1,000 for a fan experience? And that willingness to travel to such an experience is even higher, with 71% of fans reporting they would travel up to 500 miles for a fan activation, experience, or event? 

These surprising findings and more can be found in Thinkwell's 5th Annual Guest Experience Trend Report, which explores guest motivations, success factors, and must-haves when it comes to fan conventions, festivals, meet-ups, and events.

Studios, IP holders, and other enterprises are seizing the opportunity to reach targeted groups of die-hard fans and brand evangelists across a variety of global experiential events, and the demand for fan fests and spaces where people with common interests can meet and mingle is climbing every year. With this continued growth of fan events around the world -- from San Diego Comic-Con fan activations to Pokémon GoFest and the Harry Potter Wizard's Unite Festival -- the team at Thinkwell dug into this trend to understand what is driving people to these events and how to make these experiences appealing and unique for fans. 

To find out what's behind these trends and what makes these gatherings meaningful, fun, and worth the cost, read the full report here: Thinkwell's 5th Annual Guest Experience Trend Report.



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